Fiscal & Contracts

On this page:

ESD 123 Fiscal Office Points of Contact

View our full Fiscal Office Team in Pingboard here!




Contact me to:

Mike Paquette Assistant Superintendent, Finance and Operations
  • Prepare / submit program/department budgets
  • Employee access
Emily Herberg Fiscal Clerk 544-5707
  • Invoice an external agency, school district, etc. - Request for Billing (formerly 'Memo to Invoice'), and Request for Billing Support,
  • Accounts Receivable
Kristen Cervantes Accounting Specialist 544-5778
  • Pay a contractor, external agency, etc.
  • Accounts Payable
  • Process a JV (non-grant funds)
  • Submit a Memo to Pay
  • Cut off dates and deadlines for accounts payable
  • Add a vendor in Qmlativ,
  • Travel Reimbursement Forms. 
Alex Cann Grants Administrator / Accountant 544-5771
  • Manage and track program or department grants
  • Process a JV (grant funds)
  • Account Code help or funding questions.
Adelina Munguia
se habla español
Payroll Specialist 544-5716  
  • Answer questions about payroll
  • Submit Time & Effort forms and time sheets
  • Time & Effort Support
Vacant Payroll Specialist 544-5779
  • Answer questions about payroll
  • Submit Time & Effort forms and time sheets
  • Time & Effort Support
Peng Qiu Internal Business Services Administrator 544-5774
  • Prepare budget templates
  • Answer questions related to budgets and help with revised budgets 
  • Perform budgets procedures to complete From F206
  • Prepare Year-end JVs 
  • Prepare Financial Statements and complete Form F185
  • Prepare GASB 87 JV
  • Monthly network and facilities costs
Elizabeth Rodriguez Fiscal Admin Assistant 544-5770
  • Purchase Orders and P.O. Request Support

Fiscal Year

The ESD 123 fiscal year runs from September 1st to August 31st. 

Fiscal Deadlines

  • All Time & Efforts are due (to payroll with completed signatures) by the 5th of every month
  • Travel Reimbursements over $200 (to A/P with completed signatures & receipts) by the 10th of every month
  • Accounts payable (A/P) cutoff refers to the date when signed invoices (with applicable backup documentation such as packing slips & PO number) should be submitted to the Fiscal Assistant to get paid by the end of that month. If the deadline is missed, the invoice will not get paid until the end of the following month.  For example, the A/P cut-off for September is Sept. 18 at 5:00 PM. See the full list of A/P cutoff deadlines for 23-24



See Policy 6210 for more detailed information about purchasing policies and procedures.

Purchase Orders

A purchase order (PO) can be used to purchase items or services for your department. POs must be fully approved with a printed copy signed by the Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations in hand before any items can be purchased.

To request a PO, create a requisition in Skyward. Once you submit for approval, you can either print a copy and attach any documents supporting the need for the PO to submit to Elizabeth Rodriguez (in cubicle 334H), or attach the supporting documents to the PO within Skyward.

NEW: Amazon orders can now be placed through an eCommerce purchase order process through Skyward. A video guide for creating eCommerce purchase orders is available here.

credit card iconProcurement Cards (p-cards)

In the event that a purchase cannot be made with a purchase order or will cost less ordering by credit card, a procurement card (p-card) may be used. If a p-card needs to be used, the department lead may request (in writing) to the Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations for the use of the card for a staff member in their department.

Please be courteous of p-card holder’s deadlines and capacity when requesting assistance with an order. Employees requesting use of p-cards MUST provide receipts to the p-card holder as soon as possible.

Catering – Refreshment Authorization Form

See Policy 6213 – Travel Expenses, Meals with Meeting and Light Refreshments

Events with meals or refreshments must be authorized using the Meals Workshop Refreshments & Coffee Authorization form. The form, invoice, sign-in sheet, and PO # must be turned into Accounts Payable after the event.

Get the Meals Workshop Refreshments & Coffee Authorization Form here.

Vendor & Entity Information

New vendors need to complete Form W-9. You may need to provide our ESD 123 W-9 form to customers.


External Contracts

document iconIn order to clearly identify the intent of both ESD 123 and other parties with whom the agency enters into relationships, written agreements are frequently necessary. To learn more about creating and submitting contracts, please contact Kuniko Votaw at [email protected].

Contract Types

  • ESD 123 Providing Services (Revenue)
    • Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
  • Contract for Services Provided to ESD 123 (Expenditure)
    • Personal Services
    • Purchased Services
    • Intergovernmental & Purchasing Cooperatives
Find descriptions of different contract types and what is needed for each in the ESD 123 Contract Checklist.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The superintendent is the only position with power to sign for the ESD 123 or school districts. All contracts must be signed by the ESD 123 Superintendent or designee. Contracts with school districts must additionally be signed by that school district’s superintendent or designee.

For information on ESD 123 Employment Contracts see Time & Pay.

E-signature via DocuSign

Once a complete, accurate, and agreed-upon contract has been created using an authorized ESD 123 contract template (available to download here), it will be uploaded to DocuSign to be processed. The purpose of the ESD 123 DocuSign system is to manage our contracts and should not be used for any other purpose. If you don’t have a ESD 123 DocuSign user account, and/or if you are the designated person in your program/department who sends out contracts, we need to activate your “Send” permission. 

Instructions for processing a contract in DocuSign are available here.

Please contact Kuniko Votaw for training. Once you’ve been issued an account, log in to your new account and click the question mark in the upper right-hand corner to access Help and search the DocuSign Support Center.

Account Codes & Budgets

bar graph icon

Looking for your program's account code? Find the Account Code Chart here.

Basics of Expenditure and Revenue Codes

An ESD 123 account code indicates where funds should come from (expense) or go to (revenue) based on program and funding source.

Expense: 01 E 530 PPSS EA OOOO YYY0
Revenue: 01 R 960 PPSS RA OOOO YYY0

Account codes are composed of the following elements:
  • 01 – indicates it is the ESD 123 operating fund
  • 530 – indicates it is an expense
  • 960 – indicates it is a revenue
  • PP (Program Code) & SS (Sub Program Code) - identifies the program; each program has local, state, and/or federal funding source(s)
  • EA (Expense Activity Code) - delineates the type of expenditure within a program
    • 21 = Staff Development
    • 27 = Direct Instruction
    • 98 = General Support
  • RA (Revenue Activity Code) - indicates the funding source for the program
    • 10 - 29 = Local Government Sources
    • 30 – 49 = State Government Sources
    • 50 - 69 = Federal Government Sources
    • 70 - 79 = Cooperative Programs
    • 80 - 89 = Other Programs
    • 90 - 99 = Other financing sources
  • O (Object of Expenditure Code) & OOO (Sub-object of Expenditure Code) – indicates what the expense was for
  • YYY (Year Code) - identifies the fiscal year (e.g., 8240 = Sept. 1, 2023 - Aug. 31, 2024; 6230 = July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023)

Budget Object Codes

0000 Copying
0700 Debit transfer - Internal Services
0707 Debit transfer - Network Services
0719 Debit transfer - Facilities
1000 Cost Reimbursements
1700 Credit transfers - Internal Services
1707 Credit transfers - Network Services
1719 Credit transfers - Facilities
2000 Certified Salaries
2100 Certified Salaries - Temporary
2080 Taxable Travel
3000 Classified Salaries
3080 Taxable Travel
3100 Classified Salaries - Temporary
3990 Overtime
4010 Medical/Life Insurance
4020 Labor & Industries
4030 Unemployment
4040 FICA/Medicare
4050 Retirement
4060 Compensated Absences
5000 Supplies
5010 Postage
5040 Instructional Materials
5055 Software
5075 Printer Supplies
5077 Paper
5190 School District Supplies
5550 Inventoriable Equipment
5555 Technology Hardware
5990 Vehicle Supplies
7000 General Contractual - Misc. Contracts
7010 Printing
7020 Telephone
7030 Memberships & Subscript
7040 Consultants - PSC
7060 Equipment Maintenance
7080 Utilities
7090 Insurance
7100 Legal & Audit
7120 Advertising
7130 Workshop Meals
7135 Workshop Refreshments
7140 WSIPC Fees
7145 K20 ISP Fees
7150 Registrations
7180 Video Conferencing Fees
7191 Leased Facilities
7200 Building Maint & Repairs
7240 District Contracts
7990 Vehicle Repairs
8001 Travel - Mileage
8011 Travel - Hotel
8021 Travel - Airline
8031 Travel - Meals
8041 Travel - Rental Car
8051 Travel - Parking Fee
8061 Travel - Other
9000 Capital Outlay


See Policy 6070 – Grant Award and Compliance

Visit the iGrants webpage


See Policy 6050 – Fixed Assets for more detailed information about ESD 123 assets.


Employees are responsible for the proper care and control of the ESD-owned assets assigned to them. Fixed assets are those assets such as land, buildings, and physical property with a life expectancy of more than one year.

Recording Assets

In accordance with Policy 6050 – Fixed Assets the following fixed assets shall be recorded in ESD 123’s inventory records:

  • Buildings and land
  • Fixed assets with a unit cost of $50,000.00 or more (including ancillary costs such as sales tax, shipping, handling, etc.)

Assets with a life expectancy of more than one year and a value between $5,000-$50,000 will be tagged and charged to object 9, the capital outlay for tracking purposes but will not be reported as a fixed asset. Certain small and attractive items charged to object 5, supplies and materials, will be tracked in a separate list to ensure public assets at high risk for misappropriation are safeguarded.


When you are hired you will be given a Skyward Employee Access account. We use Skyward to manage the following:

  • Employee Information:
    • Leave balance (see exceptions below)
    • Leave requests (see exceptions below)
    • Employment information
    • Check history & pay stubs
  • Tax information
    • W-2 forms
    • 1095 forms
  • Purchase Orders
  • Reporting

Note: Most ECEAP staff will track leave balances and request leave through Frontline Absence Management.

Guides on using Skyward are available here.

Other Fiscal Forms

  • Request for Billing - (formerly 'Memo to Invoice') to bill a school district/agency or request an invoice | send to Emily Herberg, Fiscal Clerk
  • Memo to JV - to move expenses from one account to another within the ESD | send to Alex Cann, Grants Administrator
  • Memo to Pay – to reimburse out-of-pocket expenses un-related to travel | send to Kristen Cervantes, Accounts Payable
  • Travel Expense Form - to reimburse expenses related to travel through Laserfiche
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