Please contact us if you need more information or have questions:
ECEAP Office: 509.544.5704
ESD 123's Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) is a "whole child," comprehensive, family-focused preschool program that provides FREE services and support to eligible children and their families. The goal of ECEAP is to help ensure all Washington children enter kindergarten ready to succeed.
Children must meet certain eligibility requirements to qualify for ECEAP. Children are eligible for ECEAP if they are:
- At least three years old, but not yet five years old, by 8/31/2024;
- Not simultaneously enrolled in Head Start;
- Meet one of the following criteria:
- Qualified by their school district for special education services under RCW 28A.155.020. All children with a school district Individualized Education Program (IEP) meet this requirement.
- From a family with income at or below 36% of Standard Median Income (SMI)
- From a family that is currently homeless
- Child is currently placed in foster care or relative placement
- Other priority factors based on Department of Social and Health Services guidelines (For more information: Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) website)
Please note: Children who qualify are not automatically enrolled. Following state guidelines, children are enrolled based on total priority points.
ESD 123 partners with local school districts to offer ECEAP at the following center locations:
College Place School District:
Columbia School District (Burbank):
Columbia Elementary School
Finley School District:
Finley Elementary School (portable building)
North Franklin School District:
- Mesa Elementary School
- Connell Early Childhood Center
Othello School District:
- Othello Early Childhood Center
Pasco School District:
- Early Learning Center
- Lakeview
- Rosalind Franklin Elementary
- Whittier Elementary School
- Virgie Robinson Elementary School
Prosser School District:
- the old Prosser High School building
Walla Walla Public School:
- Walla Walla Center for Children and Families
Sites Contracted by ESD 123:
- Carrusel Childcare Center, Benton City
- Fun to Learn Childcare, Pasco
- Midway Elementary School, Moses Lake
- Touchet Elementary School
ECEAP applications can be picked up or dropped off at the sites listed above.
What We Have to Offer
- 6-hour school day classes [September – June]
- 3-hour part-day classes [offered at available sites September – June]
- Developmental screenings and referrals
- Nutritious meals and snacks
- Health and dental screenings
- Home Visits
- Parent Education and Leadership Opportunities
- Family Events
- Kindergarten Readiness Activities
- Transportation is not provided in all areas
ECEAP Leadership Contact Information: