Health & Safety

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ESD 123 Safety Points of Contact




Contact me to:

Mike Paquette Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations
  • Answer administration questions about workers' compensation, e.g. rate info
  • Volunteer information
Diane Hagerud

Workers' Comp Office Manager

  • Receive workers' compensation loss reports
Dan Jurgilewicz
Loss Control Specialist 544-5720
  • Conduct an office ergonomics assessment
  • Connect schools with SafeSchools Vector training
  • Submit an Employee Incident Report

On-the-Job Safety

We’re committed to creating a workplace that is safe, healthy, and injury-free. To help achieve this goal, you should immediately report any unsafe or hazardous condition directly to your supervisor or HR.

person falling iconSafeSchools Annual Training

As part of ESD 123’s commitment to providing a safe working environment, all staff are required to complete annual safety training online with SafeSchools/Vector Training. You will receive an email with a link to the training assigned to you and periodic reminders until the training has been completed.

SafeSchools Alert

SafeSchools Alert is ESD 123’s tip reporting service for anonymously reporting bullying, intimidation, harassment, weapons, drugs, and other safety concerns. If you have any information about a threat to our safety, do your part and report it! Report here.

Reporting Minor Injuries and Near Misses

Had an accident or near miss? Submit an Employee Incident Report. This form is for reporting work-related injuries/illnesses/near misses. It is NOT a Workers’ Compensation benefits claim form.

Workers’ Compensation

If you are hurt/injured and need to report a claim, please call ESD 112 Workers’ Compensation Claims Department at 800-749-5861.

Workers’ compensation pays for approved medical, hospital, and related services due to workplace injuries and illnesses, and provides partial compensation for those who are temporarily unable to work full-time.

Safety Data Sheets (Chemical Management)

ESD 123 provides employees of 19 member districts to the Southeastern Washington Workers Compensation Trust with access to chemical products they may be exposed to in the workplace. Employers are required to have a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each hazardous chemical they use or handle and to ensure workers have access to them. An SDS is a standardized document that contains occupational safety and health data about specific chemical products, including information about the properties and potential hazards of these chemicals. The Safety Data Sheets for ESD 123 and member districts are stored online in an electronic binder. Employees can view and print them anytime by clicking the following link: MSDS Online E-binder.

Note: ESD 123 employees can filter the e-binder by location to access just those chemical products located at the ESD 123 buildings by clicking the menu on the top left corner, selecting "Locations," and clicking on "ESD 123."

Safety Committee

ESD 123 has established a safety committee as part of our comprehensive safety program. Committee members are elected or appointed. The committee meets monthly, and minutes of their meetings are emailed to all site staff and are posted on the safety bulletin board in the staff room. Contact the members of the committee if you have any safety concerns that need to be addressed.

Inclement Weather – Flash Alert

school bus covered in snowThe Superintendent may elect to alter ESD 123 main office operating hours with a delayed opening, early closure, complete closure, or other closure conditions. The Superintendent will make every effort to notify all ESD 123 staff by 6:00 AM in the event of inclement weather necessitating closure/delay. Notifications will be communicated as follows:

During periods of inclement weather or other conditions, the following will apply:

  • Off-campus staff shall follow the closure/delay status of the school district in which they are assigned, including snow makeup days. 
  • Arrangements must be made with your direct supervisor in the event of work days missed at the employee's request because of road or weather conditions.  Where temporary telecommuting is not possible, the work days must be made up, taken from annual leave (vacation or personal), or deducted from pay unless the Superintendent approves the use of sick leave.  
  • If the Superintendent declares an office closed due to inclement weather, staff members located at that office location are encouraged to temporarily telecommute if possible.  If this is not possible, work days missed because of office closure may be taken from sick leave.   
  • In the event of a delayed opening of two hours declared by the Superintendent, time missed of one hour or less does not need to be made up, the other hour can be flexed.

ESD 123 and many of our region’s school districts use Flash Alert to provide communication to staff members regarding building closures and delays. In order to receive updates, you can visit or sign up for text notifications at Instructions on signing up for text notifications are available here.


Look for updated emergency protocols and expectations coming soon.

Employee Health

COVID Guidance

Updated September 2023
Please read the complete ESD 123 COVID Guidance for full details. Employees are expected to assess their health status daily for COVID symptoms and utilizing sick leave or home isolation if any symptoms are present. 

If you test positive for COVID, contact your supervisor (you no longer need to contact Human Resources). For questions or more information, please contact Les Stahlnecker.
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