B-3 Quality Initiatives

At its core, the Birth to Three Quality Initiatives (B3QI) program serves children by bolstering and building the skills, strengths, and self-confidence of early childhood care providers and professionals through reflective practice. B3QI services are available to licensed childcare facilities serving infants and toddlers.

B3QI offers initiatives including Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND) and Universal Development Screening (ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE), in which caregivers can learn the value of screening and how to engage families and help them understand the importance of their involvement in the screening process. Through mental health coaching and consultation, B3QI also provides an opportunity for caregivers to think more deeply about their caregiving practices and develop greater self-awareness. Caregivers come away with greater competence and confidence that allows them to experience less stress as they create positive outcomes for the children in their care.

Services Provided

  • Targeted coaching to infant and toddler early childhood professionals around quality improvement supports for EA rating readiness.
  • Infant and early childhood mental health consultation to support positive social and emotional development of children.
  • Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND).
  • Provide developmental screening training and support to early childhood professionals, parents and caregivers.


Want to learn more?

Brittany Hartikainen
[email protected]
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